Nozzle and Appliance Testing


Nozzle, appliance, and system testing are items that sometimes have been neglected in the past. Through testing last year we have found many issues which could potentially affect performance or create safety hazards for firefighters. Some of the problems found were cracks in LDH manifolds, damaged (or incorrect type) threads, intake valves clogged with debris, inoperative relief valves on piston intakes, and automatic nozzles flowing nowhere near their rated flow. System testing has shown us the greatest variables due to extreme friction loss in some apparatus pre-connect piping, inaccurate pump gauges, and other apparatus issues resulting in the nozzle man not receiving the anticipated flow.

To comply with the nozzle and appliance testing standards, Waterway has the training, calibrated equipment, and experience to perform the testing entirely with our personnel and equipment. The testing and documentation are fully NFPA compliant, and we make it painless for your department to comply.